
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Busy, Crazy Life

I took a couple week blogging break because my life was just too busy to try to squeeze in a blog post (or two or three) every day.  I thought life would settle down after a bit, but it hasn't.  A taste of life right now: working 30+ hours a week, youth staff at our church, playing for the Christmas cantata- as well as many other piano responsibilities at church, Andrew is taking 6 hours of grad classes and working 40+ hours a week, required school and church services (10 nights of them in one month), teaching piano to 3 new students, and cooking, laundry, cleaning, and everything else that comes along with life.  It's great, and I love it, but something had to give and it was le blog.

September is jam-packed, and October doesn't look much better right now.  November and December seem to be pretty empty (comparatively), but I shouldn't speak too fast.

Normal blogging will resume...soon.  I have some ideas of how to make it work- it's just a matter of seeing if my crazy life will let me do it!  Leaving you with a picture that Andrew and I took on our walk (yes, trying to find time for those!) last week (points if you can guess where we took it)...


  1. Who are your piano students? And was the pic taken on the train tracks by the lattimore caboose?

  2. Yay for piano students!! I recommended you because you were close ;-) you'll do great teaching! I TOTALLY understand the busyness of life...mine is utterly insane at this point in time. But I have missed reading your posts =)
    Great pic btw. It's somewhere along the Lattimore tracks lol

  3. Was the picture taken from the Westlee St Bridge looking west?

  4. Nicole's guess: On Westlee street. (C'mon Stephen, you're not even a Lattimore resident!)

    Jaimie's guess: Near the railroad tracks. :)


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