
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tip of the Day – Penny Pinching Newlyweds

As a recently married couple we are, of course, finding our way financially.  We have pretty aggressive savings goals for the next couple of years, and since we are both working for non-profit organizations, money isn’t, shall we say—“growing on trees.”

Here are a few things we are doing to pinch a penny or two around the Minion cottage:
Pasta Sauce2
1. Meatless meals: We have meals sans meat at least a couple of times a week.  We both like pasta, so it’s no hardship for us, plus it’s pretty easy to boil water for spaghetti and throw a salad together! (By throw a salad together, I mean that we're putting one together, not throwing lettuce leaves around the kitchen simultaneously.  Although we have been known to throw food at each other.... Anyway....)

2. One car family: We only have one car, but this works for us because Andrew works 5 minutes from where we live.  It sure does save us money on insurance, gasoline, and general auto maintenance.

3. Using the library: We get all of our books and magazines at the library.  It’s free (if you remember to take them back on time!) and since I pass the library every day coming home from work, it doesn’t take any extra gas to get there. On the rare occasion I do find a book I can’t live without (such as I did with The Dinner Doctor), I find a used copy on and use Swagbucks to buy it. 

4. The Envelope System: We use a combination of a few budget ideas, but one of them is the envelope system for things like groceries, household items, and date night money.

5. Speaking of Date Night: Because we love birds like to keep the romance going around here, we have continued our tradition from dating days of Friday night dates.  Honestly our favorite date nights have consisted of taking a long walk outside, coming home to watch a movie (either from our collection or from Redbox—can’t beat $1 per night), and making homemade ice cream.  Life does not get any better than this!Coins3
These are just a few of our money-saving ideas.  What are your favorite ways to save some moolah??


  1. You can get some pretty inexpensive movies at Family Video on Lafayette St.(next to little Caesar's) as well. I only like to get them if I know what I am looking for because browsing in a video store is not my idea of a wholesome experience if you know what I mean. I have learned what areas certain movies are in, and if I'm not sure I ask at the desk first.

  2. I know what you mean about video stores- I'll have to check that out. Thanks!


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